Flower Bouquet
#304 One bouquet per order. Beautiful and colorful floral bouquet with roses and filler in brown and colorful paper. No vase included. Colorful roses are perfect for any occasion whether you want to say thank you, happy birthday, or get well soon, you can never go wrong with these cute bouquets. Fresh roses are the best gift and we get them straight from the farm to make sure you get a fresh product.
* No vase included.
*Some colors or flowers may change due to availability, but we always keep the same color palette and design.
4 in stock
Popular Locations
Miami Area
6600 Coral Way
Miami, FL. 33155
Mon-Fri 9-6
Sat 10-6
Sun Closed
14278 Biscayne Blvd
North Miami Beach, FL. 33181
Mon-Wed 9-6
Thu-Fri 9-7
Sat 10-6
Sun 11-5
47 NW 79th St, Miami, FL 33150
Mon-Fri 9-6
Sat 10-6
Sun Closed