Blissful Heart
#902 We are excited to present our trending arrangement, which includes three dozen stunning red roses that beautifully symbolize deep love and passion. This exquisite bouquet also features a green cymbidium flower, adding a unique touch and delicate dianthus for a hint of charm. To enhance its beauty, we’ve included a heart design crafted from flexigrass, all elegantly displayed in a white vase.
This arrangement is perfect for expressing heartfelt sentiments.
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SKU: 902
Category: valentines day
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Miami Area
6600 Coral Way
Miami, FL. 33155
Mon-Fri 9-6
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14278 Biscayne Blvd
North Miami Beach, FL. 33181
Mon-Wed 9-6
Thu-Fri 9-7
Sat 10-6
Sun 11-5
47 NW 79th St, Miami, FL 33150
Mon-Fri 9-6
Sat 10-6
Sun Closed